
Fire, Snow, and Wind

My friend is sitting here playing his guitar (his appartment complex had a fire and they have now taken residence in our basement) and we are talking about worship. How do you plan a worship service? Why is it that style, song choice, and tempo matter? We would like to think it doesn't but I know it does for me and I don't like myself for it. Shouldn't I be able to ascribe worth to God in any setting, with any music - but I have sat in enough worship services that have bored me rather than ignite my passion. I know it is my problem, but what is the solution?


Postmodernism; The Polite Selfishness

Maybe this is just me, but here is how I feel about the days we live in;

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Society shifts, culture evolves, and style cycles, but maybe most of all man stays the same. We are a selfish creature.
Our twist on selfishness in the postmodern age is to be very polite about it:
My thoughts are important - therefore I am right
My feelings are true - therefore I must act
My voice should be heard - therefore I must speak (or blog)
My way is right - therefore I must be tolerated

This is all true about me, you should allow me my space to live out these truths but you have different thoughts, feelings, voice, and direction so I must allow you your space to live out your truths. So please, go ahead.

Then we end up with a mass of selfishness, hidden in politeness, that creates a society with many differing truths that all can and can't be true.


Ruff, Ruff!

Beware of the dogs...
Phil. 3:2


A Child's life

Many times in life we are scared, uncertain, in wonder, in awe, excited, mellow, and all the other spectrum of emotions. Why is it that as we grow older it becomes so easy for us to cover these feelings rather than express them as our children so easily do? Why can't we just grab our Father's hand, hold on for the ride, and experience new and wonderful things that are just a step ahead? We need to remember Jesus' call to a childlike faith which can't always be explained, rationed, or understood. We know we have a Father who looks out for us, who brings us the joy of His embrace, all in His plan to glorify Himself... and we get to be part of it all! Wow, hold on and live life with the childlike faith that is inside each of us!